
Action, instead of reaction

Our dear friend's brother is an architecture Masters student at Auburn. She sent me this link this morning to Kevin's (her brother) newest project. Our country has been ripe with criticism lately in the wake of Katrina. And rightfully so, I might add. But finally, a group that is thinking beyond toilet paper and diapers. Now that the immediate need has been met ten fold (donation sites are turning people away -- it's just too bad someone can't figure out how to distribute these much needed supplies more efficiently.) it's refreshing to see a group that is thinking about the housing implications for the future. Affordable housing is a problem throughout our nation. And temporary affordable housing is in even greater demand and shorter supply right now.

Check out what Kevin's group has been exploring:


The Pirogue Project is takes recycling to a new level. My hat is off to this foreward thinking group who is pushing the envelope of innovative design. We need more people like this putting a bug in the ear of local and national governments.

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