
Hysteria Breeds Hysteria

At exactly two months old, Alex is officially fighting his first bout of sickness. He's a tough little trooper. He's been telling us for almost a week that something wasn't right (crying during feedings -- never a good sign). But we were, of course, attributing it to his being off schedule because of visitors and traveling. During a rare moment of mommy-hysteria on my part last night, Kevin suggested that we call the doctor. The doctor described a virus that's been sweeping through the mountain population that has the exact symptoms that Kevin has been fighting. One of these is a sore throat. This would explain Alex's mad rooting sessions during which he pleads with me because he's so hungry. But when I try to feed him, he eats for a minute or two and then starts screaming bloody murder. I would scream too if my throat was hurting. Although, the screaming can't be helping the sore throat. He's a little more under control this morning - not completely inconsolable. We'll see how the day goes. I'm thinking that a trip to the doctor is in order.

Meanwhile, in the midst of putting the house back together after our visitors last week and doing laundry post-Santa Fe, I'm feeling excited about several aspects of the novel. I was doing some research yesterday on Mercedes Matter, a contemporary of Jackson Pollack in 1949 NY. It's time to site down and crank out the final thoughts for the outline so that this bok can start living again. Not sure what sort of time I will have today, but at least it's at the forefront of my mind.

Oh, a brief update. The asexual plant truly is that. It sprouted roots in only a cup of water. I'm going to find some time to plant them in my terra cotta planters on the deck this week.

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